Voices - The Official Chosen Few Software Audio Blog

Let the voices of the world be heard! In this unique audio-based blog, we highlight the creative voices that inspire us, bringing to light the extraordinary ideas of ordinary, everyday people. Stereo audio & transcript formats are available for all Voices blog posts.

Learn more by listening or reading below, and find our latest blog posts at the bottom of this page!

If you use a podcast or aggregator app that supports RSS, subscribe to us at https://chosenfew.software/voices/rss/!!

"Hello, World!"


Hello, world! My name is Isabelle Santin, and this is the inaugural blog entry for the official Chosen Few Software - Voices blog.

Our mission here at Chosen Few Software is to change the world, one line of code at a time. We believe that creative ideas and people are a huge part of this iterative, developmental process. Much like a sculptor shapes their clay, a creative software engineer must constantly work to reshape their ideas, architecture, and implementation to adapt to complex problems and scenarios. In creating and running this blog, it is my sincere hope to inspire creativity in the souls of my listeners by presenting them with original, creative writing in auditory format. 

If you're an ordinary person with an extraordinary idea, write us an email and send it to voices@chosenfewsoftware.com! We want to share your ideas, your voice, with the world. 

Thanks for checking out this quick introductory post. Happy listening!

Part 1

Part 1 of 4. This page includes the transcript for the first part of the Causal Groove series on the Chosen Few Software Voices blog.

Part 2

Part 2 of 4. This page includes the transcript for the second part of the Causal Groove series on the Chosen Few Software Voices blog.

Part 3

Part 3 of 4. This page includes the transcript for the third part of the Causal Groove series on the Chosen Few Software Voices blog.

Part 4

Part 4 of 4. This page includes the transcript for the fourth part of the Causal Groove series on the Chosen Few Software Voices blog.

Jan 2025

In this first ever video edition of the CFS Voices podcast, Isabelle takes us on a deep dive into accessible software design for blind and visually impaired users. Along the way, she interviews her blind brother, Eli, who gives an insightful and inspirational perspective to one of the industry's biggest problems today.

Jun 2024

In this episode, Isabelle interviews Eli Santin, also known as the online musical artist, iMadeAPromise. Eli is a visually impaired creator with a knack for audio engineering and a clear vision for the future of soundscapes in entertainment. Learn about what makes iMadeAPromise tick, from his heart-wrenching origins to his wild aspirations for his own future.

May 2024

How should one define technology as a phenomena? What do we classify as technology, and how do we relate to it? How do we use the way we think about technology to empower ourselves and our fellow comrades? In this podcast, Isabelle Santin discusses how technology relates to anarchy, and how we can use it to incite revolution!

Mar 2024

Every day there is an increasingly common understanding, that the Web is owned by the rich and powerful, and operated at the expense of consumers. In this podcast, we discuss the power of peer-to-peer architecture, and its future role in dismantling unfair power structures on the modern Internet.

Jan 2024

What's the deal with government, anyhow? Do we need it? Turns out... some people think the answer is "absolutely not!" Mk Zariel, who jokingly refers to themself as "The Tranarchist you've been warned about," discusses their mission to bring anarchist theory to the masses.

Dec 2023

Embrace your absurdist side with this *interesting* story about just about every god of creation you've heard of. Only, rather than being told through the eyes of a deity, it enters the universe as the words of a bespoke and tired narrator.

Oct 2023

What connects us to the past? In this first edition of the CFS Voices audio blog, we open a portal through time and find our own reflection, staring right back at us!

Mitzy the Mascot, winking one eye while holding two fingers up in a peace sign.
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