Causal Groove is a short story written by Isabelle Santin based off what she describes as one of the "weirdest dreams of her life." In the dream, she was a time criminal leading an operation to steal the Ninth Edition of the Oxford Dictionary, a priceless artifact according to the logic of the dream world. Delighted by the odd specificity and surreal imagery of it all, she wrote this four-part audio-based series. Listen (or read) below!
Written, narrated, and edited by Isabelle Santin
Jeremy Robecheaux as Jean Groovey & Scruffy the Dog
Eli Santin as Agent Loose Cannon
Chris Coleman (CovVikingVoice) as Buckley
A Chosen Few Software Voices Production
Copyright ©️ 2023 Chosen Few Software
Foreword (Transcript)
This presentation was partially funded by the financial contributions of our Patreon members. Thanks to you, I am able to chase some of my wilder aspirations. My biggest hope is that in creating works like this, I can fire up the imaginations of listeners and inspire them to dream big.
After having one of the strangest and most memorable dreams of my life, I was inspired to write the story you are about to hear. Many of the thrilling, trippy details are taken straight from the surreal experience in which I was the leader of a covert operation to steal the Ninth Edition of the Oxford Dictionary, a priceless artifact according to the logic of the dream.
Causal groove is not for younger ears. Listeners should be prepared to hear strong language, crude humor, and depictions of violence involving guns. Lastly, Causal Groove is a work of fiction that stands independent of the Chosen Few Software brand. The beliefs and values of the story's world, narrator, and characters do not reflect those of myself or my brand.
Thanks for listening, and enjoy the show!
The transcripts for each part of this series are provided individually on the pages linked below. Additionally, these transcripts are provided in narrative format, which somewhat differs from the scripts used for the audio production. This has been done on purpose to enhance the imaginative experience for audience members with hearing impairment or auditory processing issues.
Part 1 of 4. This page includes the transcript for the first part of the Causal Groove series on the Chosen Few Software Voices blog.
Part 2 of 4. This page includes the transcript for the second part of the Causal Groove series on the Chosen Few Software Voices blog.
Part 3 of 4. This page includes the transcript for the third part of the Causal Groove series on the Chosen Few Software Voices blog.
Part 4 of 4. This page includes the transcript for the fourth part of the Causal Groove series on the Chosen Few Software Voices blog.
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